A vanity site for sure. When I get an urge to write a short story or a poem, here is where it lands. I even like a few of them. I hope you like even one.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hazel, haz, hazy, hay-zee, however you rearrange the name it sounds absolutely right.

The name can sound formal or soft, serious or playful. The lady who sports this name

can be very English and proper, or at times very charmingly improper. She would never

be as frivolous as a Buffy or a Mimsy, but rather someone to be taken seriously. She

would be right at home in the Kings court as a maiden much sought after, or as a

consort of the royalty. Her bearing proud, yet demure at those moments when she knows

she has captured the eye of an admirer. To look upon her countenance is to open your

heart to all that is beautiful in this world, of which she would discount as of no value. Yet

more beautiful is her soul. Could it be opened to view it would reveal an innocence of

any outward personal beauty while revealing an innate kindness toward all of life's creatures.

To be named Hazel is to be the recipient of a name most noble, but to be the Hazel I know

is to be the one who has taken my heart and being to her bosom in spite of all my human

frailties and weaknesses until that time it beats no more. A woman named Hazel, my friend,

my love, my lifelong companion.

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